
Inspiring Words

vicky-viel-paciente-ver-sanguinetti-pinta-mientras-recibe-quimioterapiaThe words of Vicky Viel that moved us all and inspire us every day. 

“This year I want to tell you that for me Where I Want To Be is not only a psycho oncologycal programme, but it is a way of living life: how we choose to live our life when from one instant to the other we are faced with such a  hard situation that we feel that our identity is lost , we no longer know who we are, and we have to start all over again. It is then, when you reinvent yourself  and creativity comes on stage to give us strength, to allow us to  continue.”

"Where I Want To Be turns into a way of living, of feeling and choosing how we want to live, with whom, where to work, what to do. All this, builds up a question which we should ask ourselves everyday to feel a little bit better, to be nearer happiness, and to learn to connect with our inner soul. It is our soul what saves us. Having a healthy soul and spirit is the crucial answer: there comes psychical and physical health…. It is all linked.”  
pacientes-quimioterapia-pintan-con-vicky-viel "The essential issue is that we learn to risk, to dare to make contact soul to soul, patient to patient and form a real team of mutual help. The feeling that we are all together in this battle makes us feel better .I can´t face this on my own. It is the chemotherapy treatment, the doctor, the family, the team and group of mutual help that empowers me. We are saved in group, not in an isolated way.

"So, when there’s pain, we must open the pain doors and accept others´ help, and when we are filled, filled of love and help, start looking beyond at others and help them. Because the therapeutic healing effect is in giving and receiving, receiving and giving. That’s the key to success and what I wanted to say. Thanks a lot.”

Words from Vicky Viel at the 5th Awards presentation, October, 2010.


  1. me encanto el proyecto, lo vi ayer por canal a. Las felicito por encarar ésta enfermedad con tanto amor.Lo puse en mi muro porque me pareció que deben difundirse las pequeñas grandes obras. Fuerza a todos adelante!!!! cecilia santa fe

  2. ¡Que manera creativa de transmutar la dolencia,nada menos que con el arte. El arte es sanador y entrelaza las ALMAS en Una.Siento que Mi Alma se une en comùn uniòn a la de todos Uds.les aporto mi energìa,Un sol Amor,alegrìa,y muchos ArcosIris para que Uds.tomen sus colores y pinten sus nuevas vidas.
    Felicito a todos los que pensaron y hacen èsto. Dios los bendiga,!!!!!!Cristina

  3. Muchas gracias Cecilia y Cristina!! Un beso para ustedes y gracias por compartirlo
